How do you make an urban church sustainable while preserving its beauty?
Looking for an innovative combination of poetry, technology and beauty!
"Sublime beauty | sublime sustainability. Call for the preservation of iconic city churches" is the title of a public competition, organised by the Chief Government Architect and the Cultural Heritage Agency, in which they join forces to make nine landmark and monumental churches more sustainable.
Innovative and inspiring solutions are sought that contribute to substantial sustainability, are realistic and scalable, and at the same time draw attention to the social added value of the heritage.
From 37 teams that applied, the jury has nominated 9 teams: 3 themes, with 3 teams per theme.
NIBE forms Team Subliem together with Van Hoogevest Architecten, NIAG, PhysiBuild, adviesbureau Bouwfysica, Akoestiek en Brandveiligheid and The Missing Link.
Team Subliem is one of the three nominated teams who have been asked to produce a vision of the task for the theme 'Indoor space: climate, use and comfort'.
In June, the jury will select one team per theme to develop the vision into a design.